Brislington U9’s v Fry Club JFC U9’s

HML U9’s Division B & C Cup match (Group D) – 11th February 2007

Ironmold lane, Brislington – KO 10:30


Fry Club shine through despite 3 Key players missing.


We travelled the short trip to Ironmold lane on a sunny but cold Sunday morning, the pitch was OK on the wings but one of the goal mouths in particular had standing water and with 2 key players already missing and one then failing to show it started to feel like it wasn’t going to be our day.


We had lost our league game against them back in October and yet they are the only team to “really beat us”, we have lost 3 in 15 and with no disrespect to the other 2 teams, it was more a case that we beat ourselves here.


This was a crunch game for us in the sense that we were top of the cup group having won 3 from 3 giving us 9 points, Brislington & Cadbury Heath were level pegging below us having both won 2 & Lost 1 with 6 points. If we won we would go 6 points clear with only 2 to play – If we lost then we are all on 9 points!




Frys win the toss and decide to make Brislington play first in the muddy goal by the entrance and leave Brislington to KO.

The game kicks off and we settle in to a good early rhythm, we had a lot of the play in the first few minutes while Brislington found it tough to get the ball. With most of the play in and around the Brislington penalty area it was hard to penetrate their defences and it was left to another great strike from Ashley to open the game up in the 4th minute. The ball had pinged off several players before it landed at Ashley’s feet who was stood at the edge of the box, he then quickly side stepped his marker and unleashed a shot that was in the top corner before anyone else could react, 1 – 0 Frys it was a great captains goal and served only to spur the team into an attacking frenzy.


Straight from their restart we quickly took control of the ball once more, and with more confident movement we began to rain in the shots at goal, Brislington though had a real diamond in goal because he was stopping everything in his path, if he didn’t catch it then he’d kick it, if he didn’t kick it then it was parried out for a corner, it was fantastic to watch but with each missed chance we only became more anxious. After about what had seemed 25 shots at goal Brislington suddenly broke out in the 10th minute and but for a great bit of hustling from Aaron it could have been the leveller. Fortunately for us though it was a break through! Jack C in goal kicked the ball up the park for it to bounce past 2 Brislington players, Harry won control of the moving ball and while at pace neatly pulled the ball past a Brislington defender, this sent him clear on goal with only the keeper to beat, as the keeper rushed out Harry neatly played the ball past the keeper with a deft left foot flick and the ball nestled sweetly in the bottom right hand corner of the goal 2 – 0 Frys.


We then carried on as before while getting the same result. We couldn’t break them down as they seemed content to sit 5 behind the ball and just see out the half on a damage limitation exercise. We continually pressed forward but the half finished 2-0 our way and we had to hope that it was enough!


At half time it was obvious the boys were frustrated, I just told them to keep on going as they couldn’t do too much more in anycase, (Except for score!) we would just have to hope for that rare mistake.


Unfortunately it was a mistake by us that let Brislington back in it. The Bris keeper kicked the ball up field after another one of our failed attacks and we just seemed to sit back and watch! It was now us that couldn’t get a foot on the ball and Brislington took advantage. We struggled to clear the danger and a looping ball sent over the top by a Brislington midfielder ended up in the back of the net, Bris pull it back to 2-1 and run off celebrating while we all felt kind of dazed, it was like daylight robbery but we remained confident we could maintain or add another to our lead

2 – 1 Frys.


The game then became more open, it became a neutral’s spectacle in the sense that Frys pushed to try and regain the 2 goal cushion and Bris in turn pressing for the equaliser leading to chance after chance for each team. Then in the 34th minute when it seemed it may end at the same score Frys went into panic mode! Again a long ball is pumped up field by Brislington only for us to stand back a little as the ball was bulldozed through, it was then cleared out to the right only for it to be played straight back towards the left hand side of goal and with a Brislington player laying in wait he turned and hit a shot that squeezed inside the left hand corner. It was a great finish from the player but to say it felt harsh was an understatement! Frys 2 – Brislington 2


From the restart it was obvious that Frys had felt robbed as they went forward with only one intention. We had a number of moments to seal it but as before the keeper or defenders cleared everything that we could muster. Brislington also had a last minute chance when a free kick seemed to squirm its way through but Jack in goal made for a quicker reaction on the 2nd attempt and scooped it up to the relief of the Frys crowd. The game went on to finish all square at 2-2 and what ever anyone felt about the result at this stage was uncertain but what was certain is that everybody had just watched “one hell of a game”.



Team – Jack C(GK) - Oliver – Jack S - Matthew – Ashley – Harry – Aaron (No subs used)

Player of the match – Ashley Siddall – a 4th minute strike from the edge of the box was only the start of a very dominant display and that despite being took out by the invisible man! and also taking one smack in the face, Great game Ash.


Video is available of the A teams match Here



The game kicks off and Frys are again early into attack and it paid off almost instantly. In the 2nd minute Charlie picked up the ball in midfield and in turn played a fantastic angled ball up field for Lewis to run on to. Lewis then played the ball one side of the keeper while running the other and while the keeper watched the player, the ball Hit the back of the net J 1 – 0 Frys (3-2 Frys)


The game then became more open as Brislington pressed to again equalise while Frys were intent to go on in search for the killer goal. Then in the 11th minute Brislington won a corner out right. The ball was played in high and while it evaded several players in the box it didn’t evade the Brislington Striker stood at the back post who had a simple tap in to put the game all square at 1 - 1 (3–3)


Brislington then became the dominant force and began to press for a first time lead, Bris began to attack in quick succession and in the 16th minute found the net once more. Not for the first time today Frys again hit the panic switch and with several failed clearances the outcome had felt inevitable L They had done it, Brislington 2 Frys 1 (4-3 bris) 


For the remainder of the half Brislington kept pushing Frys back while on the sidelines we were only left to wonder how we were losing and to rue the misses from the first game. I was anxious to get them back in so as to calm them down and put a little more focus back into playing rather than just kicking!


At half time I could see the players felt down so just told them I was proud of what they had done so far. I explained we had come to the game without 3 key players (Louis H, George & Sarah) and so I knew it would be hard for us. I explained that we now had nothing to lose, Stop panicking! Just play football and forget the result and im sure, NO! I know! You can bring this back, now get out there and play proud, Think! & play like a team.


The 2nd half kicked off and was a very even contest until midway through, as at last we were beginning to play football again. The ball was then played to Thomas Haynes who had came on at HT, he looked up and threaded a perfect ball through the middle of 2 Brislington defenders which sent Lewis E clear. Lewis made no mistake and bought the game back into life in the 31st minute. It was a relief but I think we had deserved it. 2 – 2  (4-4).


I would have been happy to bring back a point at this time because like I said at the beginning, the day just didn’t seem to want to go our way. The boys on the pitch however had restored their self belief and didn’t want that point, No!, they wanted 3 and this showed. Shot after shot we had but again we couldn’t force that error, that is!!!! Until the very last minute of the game J J J


With the clock showing injury time Lewis picked up the ball in the centre. He worked his way past 1, then 2, and then 3 players before he played a ball through on goal. Charlie overlapping picked up the ball and was clear through on goal. With all the work still to do Charlie then perfectly placed the ball to the keepers left and it was all over, we had done it!  Charlie’s goal was sublime and by the end of the season, who knows! it could turn out to be the most important one he’s scored to date. FT - 3-2 Frys.


OVERALL – Brislington 4 – Fry Club 5



Team…Oliver(GK) – Ryan – Callum – Tom G – Charlie – Jack C– Lewis – SUBS USED – Tom H

Player of the match – Ryan Kibbey Took control when it was needed most, probably one of his best performances of the season.  (I will also mention that Ryan ran close with Callum Lee who equally looked outstanding and on any other day would have won the award for his efforts today)


Video is available of the B teams match Here


Manager’s thoughts

What a crazy day! I thought overall that we deserved the result but come the end we were probably lucky to get back into it. Brislington showed us again why they are top of our league having only lost one game, they are a very tight unit and have clear intention but all this just goes to show what we have ourselves. Going away to the league leaders and bringing home a result is a daunting enough challenge with a fully available squad but to do it with a considerably weaker team than at any previous game this season is a fantastic achievement in its own right.


Well done boys, you did good, no! Great, no! F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!



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